Short Report
A Short Report on the Preliminary Investigation at the Site of Papamiya Ki Tekdi – a Palaeolithic Site in Chandrapur District, Maharashtra, India
Authors: Amrita Sarkar & P. D. Sabale
Year: 2019, Volume: 10, Page/Article: 1, DOI:
The site at Papamiya Ki Tekdi lies about 5 km north-east of the District headquarters Chandrapur on Ambe nullah (locally known as Jharpat nullah), the site has been reported by Archaeological Survey of India in 1960s, followed by subsequent explorations and one geo-archaeological excavation also. But unfortunately the site was forgotten by the Archaeological fraternity until recently when it came to light that larger portion of the site has been acquired to build a Government Medical College and Hospital in Chandrapur. Looking at the vulnerability of the site’s existence, the authors felt it important to take up an immediate survey to understand the extension and potentiality of the site for prehistoric studies.